Dragon's Hoard

The greatest collection of downloadable Infinity Engine game mods!

Callum NPC

Gaming Section / Player Comments


Collection of players' comments on mods

This is a collection of quotes about Infinity Engine game mods (released mods or betas, so any working versions). These quotes were taken from several gaming/modding websites and message boards.

Most of these comments from players are rather positive. However -- as we know -- every mod has bugs and other things we don't like in them, but here we are trying to show the advantages and positive features of these (popular) works. With the eyes of players themselves.

Do you want to submit an entry for your mod? Send to us with the quote, a link to the page where the quote is located, and finally with a link to the mod's homepage and a short description of the mod.

Choose a mod to see the comment(s) about it:

BG1 NPC Project
Ease of Use mod for Baldur's Gate
Ease of Use mod for Baldur's Gate II
G3 Anniversary Mod
Grey Clan Episode 1: In Candlelight
Imoen Romance
Improved Anvil
Kelsey NPC
Kido NPC
Solaufein NPC
Super Firkraag


... or just browse below:


Improved Anvil
New tactical challenges and enhanced battles, brand new species of monsters, new encounters, improved strongholds, new item upgrades and a fixpack to amend many errors and flaws of the original game ... and more.
Improved Anvil is the absolute best mod I've played, by far. Source
Everyone should play this mod. IMO the level of quality in it far, far, far, FAR surpasses that of any mod I've ever played. Source
No no, I did not like IA V3. I actually fell in love with it! Really! I never thought I could have more difficult fights than my old mods offered, but there it is! And with less cheese&cheat, and more quality scripting too! Source
I have been hesitant to play IA due to difficulty; however after many attempts at other AI mods, you just can't beat the stability of IA. Source
I can not congratulate Sikret enough for such a wonderful mod. I think IA is the best thing to happen to BG2, I dare say it is even much more interesting than its expansion, ToB! Source
I definitely recommend the I.Anvil mod. Anyone who is looking for a mod which adds a lot of challenging encounters and content to the game (much more than the Tactics or other similar mods do) should give it a try.
The improved enemies (especially mages) use very intelligent scripts and the AI is improved a lot (Sikret has made an excellent job).
The AI improvements introduced by this mod are excellent. Source
it really is like playing a new game again. Source
Improved Anvil is a nice mod (for me) which really enhances the overall gaming experience. Source
I really love the new powerful critters, and especially the new loot. It really makes the game feel brand new again, with the sense of anticipation and discovery. Source


Grey Clan Episode 1: In Candlelight
Quest mod for Baldur's Gate that adds about 1.5 hours of bonus gameplay. A BG1Tutu and a BG Trilogy edition is also available.
Quotes (5):

My two cents. Ep1 is the best BG1 mod Ive ever played and I never leave Candlekeep without it. [..] Source

Just like to say I also enjoyed In Candlelight very much. It's quite difficult but nowhere near as hard as BG2's Tactics mod...[..] Source

Great job! I really enjoyed the mod [..]. I'm glad to see that this hasn't died and eagerly await the next installment. Source

It had some hard battles (Especially the tatooed guy!) in stock for my solo F/M/T and I enjoyed it thouroughly. [..] The fact that you got voice sets is also a major plus.[..] Source

In my opinion this is 1 to 2 hours of BGing at it's best! This adventure is full of surprises, plot twists, and occasional humor. Durring your investigation of the Grey Clan you will meet some interesting NPC's with original and sometimes humorous sound sets. [..] In short: A very well done, somewhat combat orrientated mod that I'm sure you will find yourself playing over and over again, at least until chapter 2 is released. Source


Imoen Romance
Imoen will romance any PC, regardless of gender or race, so any player will be able to enjoy it without being tied to race requirements...
Imoen Rom adds greatly to one of the most important characters in the game. Before the mod she is about as bland as plain bread. Now she actually has a personality! Source


Tired of the Irenicus Dungeon at the beginning of the game? This mod is for you then.
Dungeon Be Gone is the best for chronic restarters like myself. Source
Oh yeah, i forgot dungeon-be-gone. Utterly crucial to enjoyment of the game. Source


BG1 Ease-of-Use
This mod will make several things easier and better by adding useful tweaks into your game.
I was just wondering what are the best mods, if any, to use with this game other than the ease of use. Source


Ease-of-Use mod
Bottomless bags of holding, no more "You must gather your party before venturing forth...", wear magical armor and magical rings at the same time, and many many more...
i like the ease of use mods - lets me take cernd and turn him into the ultimate fighting machine! (perhaps overpowered, but hey, being a werewolf is his specialty). Source


Kelsey NPC
A neutral good human sorcerer NPC, with original voicing, portrait, romance option for Imoen or for a female protagonist. Tons of interactions with all other party members.

Kelsey - He is by far the best NPC mod ever made! Source

He's a human sorcerer and IMO the best unofficial NPC for conversation, voice acting and background. He isn't some demi-god kensai 25 dex wielding two +6 shortswords... Source


Solaufein NPC
Solaufein the drow, in your party. Two banters with each other party member, romance with your protagonist (regardless of his/her race or gender) and other, interesting features.

Solafein - He's #2 on the list of best NPC mods ever. Source

Solaufein - Good mod, but it's lame how you have to practically finish the game before you get him. Luckily I have ToB. Source


BG1 NPC Project
This mod is for BG1Tutu. It expands on the depth of character and levels of interaction with the NPCs from the BG1 game. NPCs in your party now have banters with the PC, with each other, and small side-quests of their own.

The other day, when I saw the screen shot of Branwne's first encounter with Tranzig after being stoned, I almost cried. I had been having a horrible day and seeing that made everything better. Source

Maybe you should try Tutu next time - it's great, esp when combined with BG1NPC Project (new banters for all, yippee!). Source


Kido NPC
Kido is a chaotic evil jester, guided by the visions he receives from Cyric, the god of death, evil, madness, deception and lies.
You weren't kidding around when you said Kido was 'evil'. Checked out some of his banters with Aerie, Edwin, Korgan and Mazzy (especially with respect to the 'birds & bees' talk) and this guy sure has a warped sense of humor and I think he can out-pervert Lilalcor the talking sword! Source
I'm looking forward to his later releases. Source


Super Firkraag
If you are up to one of the most challenging and entertaining fights ever put into a computer game, then you are encouraged to download this mod. It isn't recommended for people who are brand-new to the Baldur's Gate games or computer games in general.
Curse you and thank you for making this mod, Rastor! Source


G3 Anniversary Mod
This mod adds one humourous quest to the BG2 game, and was created to commemmorate the one-year anniversary of the Gibberlings Three modding community.
Since it hasn't been mentioned elsewhere in this post, I feel obligated to throw in a word on the Gibberlings Three Anniversary Mod. I just finished the recently released version 3, which turns a great mod into an almost perfect mod. Very balanced, very funny, gives a great deal of depth and atmosphere to the inns around Athlatka and definetly a "must-install" as far as I'm concerned. Source


Note: if you are quoted here and have any problem with it, don't hesitate to to us.

  Baldur's Gate, Tales of the Sword Coast, Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn and Throne of Bhaal are © Bioware Corp. Icewind Dale I and II, Heart of Winter and Planescape: Torment are © Interplay Productions. Dungeons & Dragons material is © Wizards of the Coast. All original content is © Black Wyrm Group. Copying or reproducing of any part of this site without the express permission of the Black Wyrm Group is strictly prohibited.