Go to your Baldur's Gate 2 directory and find the file named Baldur.ini, open it with note pad and type in Cheats=1 under Game Options or Debug Mode=1 under the title Program Options. Then once in the game press ctrl + space and the console will open up.
CLUAConsole Commands (Type them into the Console)
CLUAConsole:ExploreArea() - Reveals the map you are on (duh!)
*Note: () is two brackets facing each other and you must have capitals where i have written them.
CLUAConsole:CreateItem("Item Code Here") - Enter the code of any item in the game and it will appear in your character's inventory if there is room. Item codes can be found in the items section of this site.
CLUAConsole:AddGold("Place Amount Here") - Gives you the amount of gold you ask for.
CLUAConsole:MoveToArea("Area location number")
Area Location Numbers:
Astral Prison AR0516
Asylum Dungeon AR1512
Bodhis Dungeon AR0801
Bridge District AR0500
City Gates AR0020
Cocorr's Lair AR0836
Cult of the Unseeing Eye AR0202
De'Arnise Hold AR1300
Demon Outerworld AR0414
Docks District AR0300
Domain of the Dragon AR1201
Druids Grove AR1900
Government District AR1000
Graveyard District AR0800
Planar Sphere AR0411
Rift Dungeon AR0204
Slums District AR0400
Suldanesslar AR2500
Temple District AR0900
The Nine Hells AR2900
Trademeet AR2000
Umar Hills AR1100
Waukeen's Promenade AR0700
CLUAConsole:CreateCreature("Creature's Code Here") - Summon in any person/monster/creature in Baldurs Gate 2.
Some Creature Codes:
Wyvern - WYVERN01Skeleton Warrior - SKELWA01
Red Dragon - DRAGRED
Greater Ghoul - GHOGR01
Silver Dragon - DRAGSILV
Great Mummy - MUMGRE01
Mist Horror - MISTHO01
Lich - LICH01
Orog - ORC05
Orc - ORC01
Demi Lich - DEMILICH
Djinni - GENDJI01
Beholder - BEHOLD01
Ogre - OGER01
Drow Warrior - UDDROW27
Gauth - BEHGAU01
Salamander - ICSALFIR
Giant Troll - TROLGI01
Mature Vampire - VAMMAT01
Minotaur - ICMIN01
Bone Golem - ICBONE01
Stone Golem - GOLSTO01
Mind Flayer - MINDFL01
CLUAConsole:SetCurrentXP("Enter an XP Number Here") - Sets the Experience Points of your currently selected characters
When using Debug Mode, there are several cheat keys;
Press down Ctrl + Shift + 8 durring character creation and your character's stats will be maxed out.
Press Ctrl + 6 (backward) and Ctrl + 7 (forward) to change a characters model, this can cause the game to crash
Press Ctrl + Y to instantly kill who ever is under the mouse cursor.
Press Ctrl + T to heal the party and remove harmful spell effects.
Press Ctrl + J to jump to where the mouse cursor is.
Press Ctrl + R to heal a character
Press Ctrl + K to remove a character from the party
Press Ctrl + C to display a move.
Press Ctrl + M to display the item codes of items the character has equipped